How to Interpret Kitten Behavior Effectively Your Feline Friend
Introduction Despite the fact that kittens are undeniably adorable, curious, and full of personality, it can be hard to figure out what their behavior means. In order to foster a healthy and happy relationship with your kitten, you need to understand how they behave. From body language to vocal cues, this comprehensive guide helps you build a deeper bond with your kitten by interpreting common kitten behaviors effectively. Identifying Kitten Body Language Kittens communicate volumes through body language. Since they can’t tell us exactly what they’re feeling, their physical cues give us important clues to interpret their moods and desires. Ears : The position of a kitten’s ears can tell you a lot about their emotional state. When a kitten’s ears are swiveling, they’re likely trying to assess their surroundings or locate a specific sound. Eyes : Cats have expressive eyes, and a kitten’s gaze can reveal a lot. Often called a "kitty kiss," slow blinking shows trust and affecti...